Ninguém tem beneficiado mais com terrorismo do que os EUA, o Reino-Unido, e Israel. Eles usam terrorismo como desculpa para mudar a lei, dando mais poder ás autoridades e retirando liberdades das pessoas.

Eles usam terrorismo como desculpa para atacar e conquistar paises estrangeiros. Eles exploram nosso medo para ganhar apoio.

Se o terrorismo e as ADM(armas destruição massiva)são realmente uma ameaça,quais são então as causas?Ninguém fornece mais dinheiro a grupos terroristas e guerrilhas do que EUA e o Reino-Unido.Ninguém tem ou vende mais armas do que estes países.


0: People killed in the USA by terrorism/WMD in 2006.
0: People killed in the UK by terrorism/WMD in 2006.
0: People killed in the USA by terrorism/WMD in 2005.
52: killed in the UK by terrorism/WMD in 2005 (all on "7/7").
0: People in the USA killed by terrorism/WMD in 2004.
0: People in the UK killed by terrorism/WMD in 2004.
0: People in the USA killed by terrorism/WMD in 2003
0: People in the UK killed by terrorism/WMD in 2003
0: People in the USA killed by terrorism/WMD in 2002
0: People in the UK killed by terrorism/WMD in 2002
2,752: in USA killed by terrorism in 2001 (all on "9/11")
0: People in the UK killed by terrorism/WMD in 2001
0: People in the USA killed by terrorism/WMD in 2000
0: People in the UK killed by terrorism/WMD in 2000


8,437: Civilians killed by US/UK attacks in Iraq in 2003
3,800: Civilians killed by US/UK attacks in Afghanistan 2002
2,500: Palestinian civillians killed "by accident" in Palestine by the Israeli army - just since September 2000
14,000: Palestinian people whose homes have been demolished by Israeli bulldozers - and that's just since October 2000. Families who do not escape in time are crushed to death - often at night in their beds
780,000,000: People starving to death RIGHT NOW
1.2 BILLION: People "living" on less than $1 a day.
513,000,000: Number of people without access to safe drinking water

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